Here are 3 more successful Christians who have changed the world...
#4 William Wilberforce
Known for his work to end slavery in England, William Wilberforce is an outstanding example of a man who believed that Christians should be involved in every realm of life. His was a powerful message because he lived what he prescribed. Not only was he a politician who worked tirelessly for the rights of the oppressed, he was also a proponent of openly living your faith. His legacy is seen in the hundreds of ministries who speak for those without a voice, and encourage Christians to boldly live and share their faith.
#3 D. L. Moody
Before the age of microphones and television, D. L. Moody preached to more than 100 million people. Along with Ira Sankey, who wrote and sang gospel songs, Moody held evangelistic meetings throughout the US and Great Britain. His straight-forward message of salvation in Jesus Christ was used of God to save thousands. His legacy is carried on by many evangelists of our day who seek to point people to the Savior.
#2 Henry Parsons Crowell
Henry Parsons Crowell, the Christian founder of the Quaker Oats Company, is one of hundreds of Christian business men who have used their wealth and influence to impact the world for Christ. He combined great business success (he was the father of modern advertising) with Christian principle, and gave to ministry work around the world. His legacy lives on in the thousands of Christian business men and women, often little known, who use their wealth and influence to reach the world for Christ.
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