God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
January 9, 2019
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Today's Bible Verse
" Is any thing too hard for the Lord? "
Genesis 18:14 King James Version (KJV)

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Today's Bible Study
Last night my husband put together an outdoor Christmas decoration he had just brought home from the store. He opened the big box on our kitchen table (our mainstay worktop). Then he worked on it off and on as I was busy in another part of the house.

Later he called me into the kitchen and held up a white, plastic, tubular piece.

“I have been looking for this piece for half an hour,” he said. “I couldn’t finish putting this thing together without it. Then I felt a prompting to look for it inside your purse.”

“My purse?” I said. “My purse isn’t even in the kitchen.”

“No,” he said, “but it was on the table when I first opened the box. So, anyway, I opened your purse and there it was. The piece obviously fell inside it and I didn’t notice.”

“Amazing!” I said. “I guess God just bestowed a blessing on you to help you find it.”

“Does God do things like that?” he asked. “This seems like an awfully small thing for God to bother with.”

We both agreed that God could bless us in small ways if He chose to, but would He choose to?

In Genesis 18, Abraham conversed with three visitors. The men told Abraham that Sarah, far past childbearing days, would have a child before they visited again. During their visit, the question was asked, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

My husband and I concluded that God can do whatever He wishes. No task is too big for Him. Neither is any task too small.
Today's Prayer
Lord, how mighty You are! Help me not put limits on what I think You can accomplish. Thank you for all You do for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Yesterday's Devotional
January 8, 2019
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Yesterday's Bible Verse
" But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. "
John 1:12 King James Version (KJV)

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Yesterday's Bible Study
My husband’s PC died after receiving some rough treatment on a flight home from a trip. Friends convinced him to replace his PC with a Mac.

Since my husband bought the Mac, he has done almost nothing except try to learn how to use it. It may eventually serve him better than his PC did. But this switching-over process is proving to be agonizing.

The decision to follow Jesus always involves change, a kind of switching-over. New believers feel awkward. They fear making a misstep and being embarrassed. They watch mature Christians locate scripture passages with ease. Is Nahum really in the Bible? Mature Christians, they fear, will monitor their actions and judge them harshly.

Mature Christians must never be critical of new Christians. Instead, they need to “come alongside” these fledgling believers, helping them as they learn how to use the Bible, how to pray, and how to feel confident in their salvation.

A few years ago, I joined a local group for writers. I was excited but also nervous. What if I didn’t fit in? Would the other members be intolerant of me and critical of my work?

What I found was a group of warm, accepting people who, like me, were still learning. Their warmth encouraged me. I soon realized we weren’t in a competition. We were people on the same path.

All Christians are making the same journey. Each one started somewhere. Though the Christian walk is sometimes referred to as a race, it is a team sport, not a competition among individuals.
Yesterday's Prayer
Lord, thank you for the people who have encouraged me in my Christian walk. Teach me how to love new believers as You love them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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