God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
January 11, 2019
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Today's Bible Verse
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
2 Timothy 3:16 King James Version (KJV)

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Today's Bible Study
People talk about walls of their houses being papered, paneled or painted. Many of the walls in our house are “booked.” We have bookshelves in almost every room.

In addition to taking up space and collecting dust, these books do something else. They remind me of past days when each book was especially relevant.

During the early years of our marriage, we had just about enough money to pay the bills. But one Christmas I saved up and bought my husband a set of commentaries on the New Testament. The entire set cost $75, which was a lot of money to us then. I see those books and recall when Dan and I were poor but happy newlyweds.

On another shelf are books about parenting. I remember poring over Dr. Dobson’s The Strong-Willed Child and wondering if children come in any other form.

We have shelves of men’s and women’s Bible study books, marriage enrichment books, and books by prolific writers of the past like C. S. Lewis and Oswald Chambers. We also have books by today’s authors like Max Lucado, Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer.

Half of one shelf is occupied by the Mitford Series books by Jan Karon. So entertaining!

Then there are the Bibles. Some are missing a front or back cover. Many of them are worn and heavily marked. I use my mother’s Bible as I write these devotionals.

So many books. So little time. I encourage you to turn off your screens part of every day and pick up a good book, especially THE Good Book, relevant in every stage of life.

Good books are like treasured friends. You never get tired of being in their company.
Today's Prayer
Lord, thank you for Your Word and for good Christian writers. Guide us to helpful books written by men and women of faith. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Yesterday's Devotional
January 10, 2019
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Yesterday's Bible Verse
"My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments."
Proverbs 3:1 King James Version (KJV)

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Yesterday's Bible Study
For the first 18 years of my life I attended a little country church with an average Sunday morning attendance of fewer than 100. We all knew each other well. Many of us were related.

My mother grew up attending that church, and her parents had been members there for as long as anyone could remember.

Three times every week my mother herded her four stairstep kids into that building. She carried with her some picture books, a coloring book and crayons and a Mason jar with water inside it in a brown paper bag.

The building had no bathrooms or water fountains. It had no baptistery either, but fortunately it was located near a creek.

Each summer the church hosted a gospel meeting that lasted either one week or two. Our pew was occupied every night.

I could take you to that church today and show you the toothmarks created on the back of “our” pew when my siblings and I cut our baby teeth.

In that building I learned that God created everything good, that He loves us, His laws are good for us, and we will live with Him in heaven someday.

Today I am a member of a church whose membership totals over 3,000. I still study the same scriptures I “cut my teeth on.” How grateful I am for my Christian heritage.
Yesterday's Prayer
Lord, thank you for parents and grandparents who faithfully teach Your Word to the next generation. Thank you for every person who has encouraged me in my walk. May I hold tightly to Your teachings all the days of my life and share them freely. I pray through my Savior, Jesus, Amen.
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