God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
January 16, 2019
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Today's Bible Verse
"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints . . ."
Ephesians 6:18 King James Version (KJV)

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Today's Bible Study
Have you ever had so many things to pray about that you didn’t know where to begin?

I face this dilemma often. I pray continually for the people I love. That is easy. But after that, then what? Check the church bulletin for the list of sick people? That is a good practice.

If I turn on the television or radio or check the day’s news on my phone or computer, I am overwhelmed with what I see: pain everywhere, homelessness, wars, natural disasters, violence, abuse, corruption, deaths and destruction.

God knows each situation, each hurting heart, each desperate ache for deliverance. He doesn’t need me to point them out to Him. Yet, numerous Bible passages command me to pray:

Matthew 26:41: Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation
Romans 12:12: Continuing instant in prayer
Colossians 4:2: Continue in prayer

But I want to do more than ask for God’s intervention. I want to talk to Him openly about my struggles, to confess my shortcomings, to acknowledge my belief in Who He is, to praise Him, and to thank Him. Yet, I often feel inadequate in my prayer life.

A Bible verse that encourages me is Romans 8:26: Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

So, continue in prayer, praising, thanking, repenting, confessing, and talking to God about anything. You may not pray perfectly, but the Spirit will intercede for you.
Today's Prayer
Lord, I ask, as one of your disciples once asked, teach me to pray. Amen.
Yesterday's Devotional
January 15, 2019
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Yesterday's Bible Verse
"He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster."
Proverbs 18:9 King James Version (KJV)

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Yesterday's Bible Study
Several years ago, I worked with a young woman named Kelly. She was one of the nicest, most genuinely helpful people I have ever known. She had a smile that brightened the room, and she was praised for her efficiency.

One day as I chatted with Kelly, I dropped the pen I held, and it rolled under her desk. I stooped down to retrieve it and saw that under her desk Kelly had posted a note where only she was likely to see it. The note read: Do it now.

Those words went a long way toward explaining why Kelly was so nice, helpful and efficient. She took her own advice and performed tasks immediately, as soon as they were given to her.

We create extra work for ourselves when we procrastinate. Dinner dishes are never easier to clean the next morning. Balancing a checkbook two weeks after your statement arrives is a nightmare.

Some of us have adopted a “snooze button” approach to life. We receive a signal that it is time to do a thing, and we mentally press snooze. Then we wonder why we are always stressed and hurried. Someone has said, “I do all my work at the same time every day—at the last minute.”

Ecclesiastes 9:10 gives us this reminder: Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.” The Message Paraphrase renders it this way: Each day is God’s gift. It’s all you get for the hard work of staying alive. Make the most of each one! Whatever turns up, grab it and do it. And heartily! This is your last and only chance at it.

What was the thing that you intended to do yesterday? Do it now!
Yesterday's Prayer
Father, I confess my sin of procrastinating. I don’t do quickly the good thing I intend to do. Forgive me. Help me redeem the time, because the days are evil. Amen.
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