God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
January 18, 2019
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Today's Bible Verse
"Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him."
James 1:12 King James Version (KJV)

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Today's Bible Study
Not long ago, I sat down to re-watch a great movie, Mr. Holland’s Opus. This movie chronicles the 30-year career of a high school music teacher. It demonstrates how this teacher’s daily interaction with his students had a positive influence on many lives.

At one point, however, Mr. Holland, frustrated with a less-than-perfect marriage, a downright miserable relationship with his son, and the tedium of dealing daily with uncooperative teenagers, faces temptation. A beautiful and talented senior suggests that Mr. Holland leave his family and run off with her to New York, where they can pursue music careers together.

Since I had seen the movie before, I knew how Mr. Holland responded, but I remember the anxiety I felt for the character when I watched the movie the first time.

“Don’t do it!” my mind shouted. “Stay where you belong. Do the right thing.”

My father-in-law said, “Some decisions should have to be made only once.”

Over 40 years ago, I decided to make Dan my lifetime partner. That is not a decision I have to reconsider and re-make on a weekly or daily basis. I am not a perfect wife, but I am Dan’s wife for life. Even before that, I decided to follow Jesus and do my best to live for Him. Decided. Done. I don’t follow him flawlessly, but my resolve to be faithful to him does not waver.

You have made commitments to your spouse, your children, your friends, your employer, and hopefully, your Savior. Be faithful to those commitments. When Satan tempts you to rethink those decisions, please don’t do it.
Today's Prayer
Lord, ever faithful One, please keep me on the right pathway. Don’t let me turn to the right or to the left. I have claimed You as my Savior for life. Amen.
Yesterday's Devotional
January 17, 2019
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Yesterday's Bible Verse
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."
Hebrews 9:27 King James Version (KJV)

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Yesterday's Bible Study
I am not a risk taker. No form of gambling holds even the slightest allurement for me. I will hardly back my car out of the garage without buckling my seatbelt, and I always dry my hands thoroughly before touching a light switch.

Still, there are a few chances I continue to take. Despite warnings from numerous people, I occasionally use my hands to push food down into the garbage disposal. I pull the knife toward me when I peel vegetables, and I test my iron by licking my finger and brushing it swiftly across the heated surface.

Many people take far greater risks. They gamble on the eternal destiny of their souls. Despite multiple warnings in Scripture of a coming judgment, people delay making Jesus the Lord of their lives. They plan to one day when they are older, or when they have time to study the Word more thoroughly, or when (as if this is even possible) they get their lives cleaned up.

When I was taking a speech class in college, our instructor caught our class off guard one day. She demanded that we deliver the speeches we had been half-heartedly working on for days. She announced that she would let the point of her pen drop onto her class roll book. The person on whose name the pen struck would be called upon first.

I still remember the awful feeling I had as she announced my name. I was unprepared.

How much more tragic it will be for those who are unprepared on the Day of Judgment. People who have not been cleansed by the blood of Jesus are gambling with the most precious possession they have, an eternal soul.
Yesterday's Prayer
Father, thank You for delivering me from the fear of Your judgment. My confidence does not lie in myself, but in my Savior, who has already paid my penalty. Thank you, thank you, for His sacrifice. Through Jesus, Amen.
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