God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
God Starts and Finishes
Your Day With Love!
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Today's Bible Verse
"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."
Colossians 3:1 King James Version (KJV)
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Today's Bible Study
I love the reminder in this verse of all that Jesus has done. We cannot do anything without Jesus. We are unable to save ourselves. Christ is the one who is risen and we by being ‘In Christ’ are risen with him. It is through Christ that we have an amazing inheritance. Jesus is amazing. Paul’s encouragement to us all is to let our minds be filled with the place where Jesus reigns. We are to set our mind on the things above, not on the ‘things’. What are the things? They are anything that would seek to take our eyes off Jesus. I would encourage you today to seek God and ask him if anything is getting in the way of you seeing Jesus clearly.
Today's Prayer
Father, I thank you for the gift of Salvation. I thank you that I am risen in Christ and that I stand complete in His finished work of the cross. Today I ask that you would reveal to me the place(s) that I am focused on earthly things. Holy Spirit, help me to relinquish control and submit to your ways that I may live in complete freedom. Thank you Jesus for your grace and your peace. Amen
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