God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
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Your Day With Love!
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Today's Bible Verse
"But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Corinthians 15:57 King James Version (KJV)
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Today's Bible Study
Just before this verse, Paul quotes from the book of Hosea to emphasize his point of the victory of the cross of Christ. He uses a passage freely that speaks of death’s plagues and hades destruction in chapter 13 of Hosea. This passage shows how bad things really were. Death did have a sting and the grave did have a victory through Satan’s work in Eden. However, the good news of Jesus and the reason for our thankfulness is that God has won the victory over sin, death and the grave through Jesus Christ. I encourage you to celebrate Christ’s victory today by giving thanks to God.
Today's Prayer
Thank you Father for the victory of the cross. I thank you for my salvation. I thank you that you saved me. You have redeemed me. I thank you that death no longer has the last word. I thank you that the victory is yours and no longer the grave’s victory. I thank you for the gift of your Spirit that confirms these truths to me. I thank you Jesus for your gift of peace today through your blood. Amen
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