God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
God Starts and Finishes
Your Day With Love!
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Today's Bible Verse
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."
James 1:5 King James Version (KJV)
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Today's Bible Study
I love our English translations of scripture, but every now and again they don’t quite capture the Hebrew or Greek behind our scriptures. Here is one such example - James talks about the need to consider what we are going through so that we can grow and become mature, lacking in nothing. Then we have a missing word -- but. This gives us more of an insight into the heart of the Father. His heart is to see that we lack nothing and he uses the trials around us to see us mature and grow in faith. But, we are also to seek him, especially for wisdom; and I believe it is this wisdom that helps us grow through the trials. Things happen, but we need to seek God for his wisdom in them. My encouragement today is for you to take the situations you face and ask God’s wisdom over them.
Today's Prayer
Father, Son and Spirit, I come to you my Lord and Savior. I present [situation] to you. You know what is going on. You know the people and events. I ask for your wisdom over this situation. Guide me in your ways and your truths. I ask for wisdom, knowing you will give it liberally as I ask. I thank you for this truth. Amen
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