God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
October 23, 2018
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Today's Bible Verse
"Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God."
1 Peter 1:21 King James Version (KJV)

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Today's Bible Study
When I ask people about the Gospel, I often hear people talk about the cross. All well and good you say, but what about the bit before and the bit after. The good news of Jesus is found in his life, in his death and in his resurrection. Without all three parts, there isn’t a gospel; and without the narrative of the Old Testament, we have no New Testament -- but I’ll save that for another time. Here, we see Peter expand on Jesus’ resurrection. It was God who raised Jesus and gave him glory. Why did he do this? So that we might have faith and hope in God. What an amazing truth. Jesus died so that we can know God and have hope in Him. Today I encourage you to enjoy God’s presence and His love; It’s why Jesus rose again.
Today's Prayer
Father, thank you for your presence. Thank you for your love. Remind me in this moment of your love and grace. Come Holy Spirit [rest for a moment in His presence]. I will not rush today from this moment. I choose you. Guide me and sustain me, I pray. May my faith and hope grow in You today. I place my trust in your faithfulness. Amen
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