God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
October 25, 2018
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Today's Bible Verse
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him."
Acts 10:38 King James Version (KJV)

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Today's Bible Study
Do you know that God is with you? Do you know there is not one place in this whole world where God will not be? God is everywhere and working to release more of His kingdom into that place. He has anointed us with the Holy Spirit so that we can carry on the work of His son. What is our work? To do good. To heal all that are oppressed by the devil and to share the Good News of Jesus that we can know God. You may have had an awful day or week or year - but it doesn't change the truth that you can be used by God today. Think of Peter. Think of Paul. Think of the many Bible characters with flaws. Confess any sin you need to, ask for a fresh anointing and go. Go into all the world and make disciples. Go into all the world and bless those you meet. May God's kingdom come and His will be done as we work with Him.
Today's Prayer
Father, I thank you for this truth. I thank you for the life that Jesus lived. I thank you for the gift and anointing of the Holy Spirit. I feel that I have failed you in times gone by. I ask for a fresh start and an opportunity to serve you and others today. I ask for divine encounters to share your Good News and bless those I meet. May I carry you Jesus, the hope of Glory into every situation. May I worship you Jesus, may I know you Jesus, and may I share you today, Jesus. Come, Holy Spirit. Amen
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