God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
November 19, 2018
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Today's Bible Verse
"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered."
Psalm 32:1 King James Version (KJV)

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Today's Bible Study
Do you know you are blessed? You might not think so; your current situation may scream otherwise. However, the truth and reality described through scripture would say differently. Through Jesus, we are blessed. Those who are in Christ have been rescued and redeemed; they have had their transgressions forgiven and their sins covered by the precious blood of Jesus. Jesus’ finished work on the cross is our blessing. Enjoy your day; you are blessed because of Jesus.
Today's Prayer
Father God, thank you for the cross. Thank you for loving your world so much that you sent Jesus to rescue it. Thank you that we are blessed because of Jesus’ finished work at Calvary. Thank you for your faithfulness and the truth that my sins have been separated as far as east is from west. I can live in the goodness of forgiveness and grace today. Holy Spirit, bring these truths alive to me today. Amen
Yesterday's Devotional
November 18, 2018
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Yesterday's Bible Verse
"Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not."
Romans 12:14 King James Version (KJV)

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Yesterday's Bible Study
After having spent eleven chapters explaining the Good News to the Roman church, Paul turns his attention to how to live out their salvation in the midst of troubles. Paul is fully aware that the community of believers was a tiny part of the city of Rome’s enormous infrastructure. He knew they would be vulnerable to the edicts of the pagan rulers and would face intense persecution in the coming days and months. He encourages the church to refuse to retaliate and respond with good when they are treated with evil, just as Jesus had stated in the sermon on the mount. Where can you bring a blessing when others would curse? Where is God asking you to ‘retaliate’ with Good rather than evil?
Yesterday's Prayer
Holy Spirit, I ask you to show me where I can bless and not curse today. Show me how I can build others up even when they hurt me or others. Show me your gentle ways of grace and mercy. May I bring light into dark places today. May I bless and not curse others. May I live in the glory of God today. Amen
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