God Starts Your Day With Love. Read Today's Bible...
November 30, 2018
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Today's Bible Verse
"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong."
1 Corinthians 16:13 King James Version (KJV)

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Today's Bible Study
Paul begins his conclusion to the letter to the church in Corinth with one of his trademark short-statement sentences.

He calls the church to watch and to be on guard. We are in a battle and we need to be reminded of that fact. Even when life is ‘going well,’ we need to remember to be on our guard.

The Corinthians were subject to the invasion of false teachers, so the exhortation to stand firm in the faith was a timely reminder. Paul then closes this section by calling them all to be of courage and be strong; that is, marked by maturity and not infants easily swept aside by the false teaching of the day.

My encouragement for you today is to take some time with God and ask Him which of these three statements He wants to talk with you about. Do you need to be on your guard? Do you need to stand firm in the faith? Or do you need to grow in maturity? Let the Holy Spirit guide you in all truth today.
Today's Prayer
Father, I thank You that You are at work in my life and in the lives of all Your people. You know my heart and where You long to see me grow. I ask, Holy Spirit, that You will guide me today. Help me to be on my guard, to stand firm in my faith, and to become mature in Christ. I ask for Your glory, Jesus, and in Your Name. Amen.
Yesterday's Devotional
November 29, 2018
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Yesterday's Bible Verse
"He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity."
Ecclesiastes 5:10 King James Version (KJV)

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Yesterday's Bible Study
Some inward, worldly trait tempts all of us to want more.

When someone is asked, “How much money do you need?” that person often answers, “Just a little more than I have.”

I have experienced in my own life this tendency to want more.

Many years ago, we decided to redecorate our kitchen. Wallpaper was torn off, walls were painted, and cabinet doors were refinished. Old flooring was replaced with new.

But quickly we realized that the new kitchen made the old hallway that adjoined it look drab. Once we redid the hallway, the living room at the other end of it looked faded and outdated.

You get the picture. While initially we wanted only a redecorated kitchen, eventually we wanted a completely updated house. The new kitchen did not satisfy us.

I am told that some of the richest people on earth are consumed with a lust for more money.

How desperately we need to learn the lesson of 1 Timothy 6:8: And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

Most of us have a long way to go before we adopt the attitude of the Apostle Paul. He wrote in Philippians 4:11: I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Yesterday's Prayer
Holy Father, help us learn that true contentment does not come from having an abundance of earthly things. This world, and nothing in it, fully satisfies. Only you can do that. Help us focus upon the amazing, incomparable value of a relationship with you. In Jesus name. Amen.
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