Jan 04 2025
Today's Top Quotes"Remember as you go about your day that you may be the only Jesus some of your friends, neighbors, and family will ever see."
- Wanda E. Brunstetter, A Celebration of the Simple
"Often, it's not one great, dramatic thing that God asks us to do but hundreds of little everyday things. If we want to be used by Him, if we're ready to be used and aren't all tangled up with your own plans and projects, then He'll show us the work He has for us."
- Lynn Austin, Waves of Mercy
"I believe, as followers of Christ, we are commanded to reach out to the least of these in the name of Jesus and show them they matter a great deal to God, who sacrificed His only Son to reach them with His love."
- K.P. Yohannan, No Longer a Slumdog: Bringing Hope
"Your heart of devotion and obedience is not in vain. Who knows but God how many people have come near to you and were forever changed simply by the fragrance of his love in you? Who knows but God if he will put you before kings and leaders to speak the truth, redirecting the future of nations?"
- Amy Layne Litzelman, This Beloved Road: A Journey
"I suggest that if we are truly hungering and thirsting after righteousness we shall not only avoid things that we know to be bad and harmful, we shall even avoid things that tend to dull or take the edge off our spiritual appetites."
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"With a twinkle in his eyes, my friend says that his favorite prayer is 'Lord, give me patience; give it to me right now.'"
- Billy Graham
Faith is having the patience to wait, knowing that all things will be done in God's time. I only wish I owned one of his watches.
- Kathy Buckley
"God loves us more than we will ever know and cares for us in ways we will never fully understand."
- William M. Silva
"Be a Blessing. Three simple words, but what a profound impact we experience when we act on them."
- Debble Macomber
"But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."
Add to Favorites Share with FriendDear Lord, help me to glory in your name alone. Your name is so much better than anything I've done in my life. You are better than my work, my accomplishments, and my family. There's nothing I can do that would compare to the glory of the Lord. Rid me of my pride, Lord, and help me to rest fully satisfied in your glory. In Jesus' name, amen.
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