Feb 11 2025

Today's Bible Verse
Amos 5:4 (KJV)

For thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye shall live.

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Today's Bible study

In this verse from Amos, we get a very simple but profound statement: If we seek the Lord, we will live. This raises two questions: What does it mean to seek the Lord, and what does it mean, in the given context, to live?

Seeking the Lord means, literally, that we are searching for God. When we search for something, that means we take all approaches possible to find what we're looking for. Thus, when searching for God, we spend time in prayer, in church, and in the Bible. These three, especially the Bible, are the places where we will get to know the Lord on a more intimate level.

Building a habit of seeking the Lord means that we are actively doing things each day that draw us closer to Him. It's a good idea to have set routines so you can plan around your prayer time or Bible study time. Think about setting carved-in-stone appointments with the Lord so you are consistently growing in your relationship with Him.

Building these habits is well worth it because knowing the Lord gives us life. We are set free from our old sinful ways and are no longer burdened by our wrong desires. This often happens gradually, but as we become intentional about seeking the Lord, our lives will begin to grow in holiness.

The Lord also sets us free from fear. We do not have to be weighed down by anxiety or uncertainty when we know that the Lord, the God who created the universe, loves us and will never stop loving us. Even though we will not be able to understand many things in this world, we will not be robbed of our peace because we know that the Lord is faithful and good.

Today's Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank you so much for giving me life. Help me to truly put on the life that you have for me, helping me walk in holiness, kindness, humility, and love. I thank you for setting me free from anxiety and fear. You are so good to me, Jesus, and I love you. In your name, amen.

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If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.

-C.S. Lewis

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.

-Elbert Hubbard

The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.

-C.S. Lewis

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.

-Dorothy Parker

Yesterday's Devotional

Feb 10 2025

Yesterday's Bible Verse
Psalm 46:1 (KJV)

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. :

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Yesterday's Bible study

This verse affirms that we can turn to the Lord whenever we are in trouble. Even if everything around us falls apart, God will remain our refuge and strength. He will help us even when no one else can. Today, we'll look at what this verse teaches us about leaning on God at all times.

It is important to note that this verse doesn't say we will not face trouble. In fact, it pretty much affirms that we will face difficulties. The Christian life is not a way out of pain, sorrow, or tough situations. Our faith, however, is a guarantee that the Lord will be near us through everything.

When we call out to the Lord, He will be our refuge. This means He will be like a hiding place for us, a place where we are safe and secure. Even if people are trying to hurt us, or spreading lies about us, we can rest knowing that the Lord loves us and knows who we really are. We can have confidence that cannot be shaken by anything in the world because we have put our trust in God, who is not of the world.

The Lord is also our strength. When we've come to the end of ourselves, He gives us the hope to carry on. We know that He sees and will honor our efforts. When we feel ourselves becoming weary, we can ask Him to strengthen us. He knows exactly how to encourage us and the exact right time for that encouragement to come.

He is also our very present help in times of trouble. So when everything has gone haywire and you feel utterly lost, He will be near. He cares about our troubles, and He will come to us in tenderness and kindness to restore our souls.

If you are going through a difficult time, reach out to the Lord. your refuge, strength, and present help and ask Him to encourage you with His faithfulness.

Yesterday's Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank you for caring about me, especially when I'm in trouble. Sometimes it seems like I'm in trouble a lot, but I am so grateful that you do not get tired of coming to help me. I want to lean on you like never before, Jesus, because you are my salvation. In your name, amen.

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