Feb 12 2025

Today's Bible Verse
Habakkuk 3:18 (KJV)

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

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Today's Bible study

At the end of Habakkuk, the prophet writes that even if Israel is overtaken by the Babylonians, he will continue to rejoice in the Lord. Think about this: Habakkuk knew that he would likely lose everything of value to him, but he remained joyful. How is this possible?

It was possible for Habakkuk because he delighted in God above all other things. He knew the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord did not change based on circumstances, but instead was grounded in something eternal and everlasting. Habakkuk's primary joy was in God. Although this sounds great to me, I'm not sure how to get there. I'm left with the same question: How is this possible?

Habakkuk's delight in God was rooted in knowing that the Lord had saved him. Habakkuk's future was secure. He knew the Lord as the God of his salvation. Habakkuk delighted in God because he focused on the life to come, rather than on this world. He had been given eternal life in Jesus, and, because of this, he could rejoice in even the most dire circumstances.

Throughout the book of Habakkuk, which is only three chapters long, we see how God became his primary joy. Habakkuk did not start out with a rejoicing heart, but instead, with a questioning and fearful one. As he wrestled through his questions, fears, and doubts with the Lord, Habakkuk grew in confidence in his savior. In the end, as we see in this verse, this confidence was more important and valuable to him than any earthly circumstances.

Habakkuk's journey reminds us that if we're struggling with something, we can take it to Jesus. He will help us get on the right track if we are committed to taking a proper view of our circumstances and of Him. He will fill us with joy and help us get a true perspective on this world and the next as we follow Him.

Today's Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank you that I can rest in you in all circumstances. I thank you that you are truly the God of my salvation. Help me to focus on you, Lord, and all the things you have done for me, instead of getting tangled up with fear in this world. I love you, and I thank you for your goodness to me. In Jesus' name, amen.

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If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.

-C.S. Lewis

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.

-Elbert Hubbard

The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.

-C.S. Lewis

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.

-Dorothy Parker

Yesterday's Devotional

Feb 11 2025

Yesterday's Bible Verse
Amos 5:4 (KJV)

For thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye shall live. :

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Yesterday's Bible study

In this verse from Amos, we get a very simple but profound statement: If we seek the Lord, we will live. This raises two questions: What does it mean to seek the Lord, and what does it mean, in the given context, to live?

Seeking the Lord means, literally, that we are searching for God. When we search for something, that means we take all approaches possible to find what we're looking for. Thus, when searching for God, we spend time in prayer, in church, and in the Bible. These three, especially the Bible, are the places where we will get to know the Lord on a more intimate level.

Building a habit of seeking the Lord means that we are actively doing things each day that draw us closer to Him. It's a good idea to have set routines so you can plan around your prayer time or Bible study time. Think about setting carved-in-stone appointments with the Lord so you are consistently growing in your relationship with Him.

Building these habits is well worth it because knowing the Lord gives us life. We are set free from our old sinful ways and are no longer burdened by our wrong desires. This often happens gradually, but as we become intentional about seeking the Lord, our lives will begin to grow in holiness.

The Lord also sets us free from fear. We do not have to be weighed down by anxiety or uncertainty when we know that the Lord, the God who created the universe, loves us and will never stop loving us. Even though we will not be able to understand many things in this world, we will not be robbed of our peace because we know that the Lord is faithful and good.

Yesterday's Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank you so much for giving me life. Help me to truly put on the life that you have for me, helping me walk in holiness, kindness, humility, and love. I thank you for setting me free from anxiety and fear. You are so good to me, Jesus, and I love you. In your name, amen.

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