Feb 17 2025
Afternoon Bible VerseBe not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.
Anger is a serious issue in society today, and Christians are not exempt from it. We need a great deal of self-control to keep from getting angry and to stop ourselves from carrying anger with us.
The Bible gives us instructions on how to deal with anger in a healthy way. It begins with handling tense or volatile situations immediately so anger doesn't take root in our hearts.
To feel angry sometimes is natural and not necessarily wrong, but sinful anger has the potential to damage and destroy relationships. The second we feel anger welling up inside, we should bring it to the Lord in prayer. We can ask for wisdom about how to handle our feelings.
A wise person will seek godly advice and accept instruction from the Lord even when that means being corrected.
Before you speak, take a moment to ask God to examine your words. And if you react in a way that doesn't glorify Him, seek His guidance and forgiveness.
Lord, please keep me from nursing foolish anger in my heart. Give me your wisdom so I may reflect your character in my life. Let me be a witness of your goodness and grace to others. Please forgive me for the times when I have reacted in anger. Thank you for being patient with me as I become more like you. In Jesus' name, amen.
If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.
-C.S. Lewis
God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.
-Elbert Hubbard
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
-C.S. Lewis
"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.
-Dorothy Parker
Feb 16 2025
Yesterday Afternoon's Bible VerseFor therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. :
Driving in the dark on a road shrouded in fog is hazardous. When we can only see a minimal distance in front of us, it can be difficult to know where we're going. Simply squinting our eyes offers no solution to our dilemma.
That's when fog lights come in handy. These lights give an advantage by enabling a driver to see the edge of the road more clearly. Fog lights also provide two extra points of light that help oncoming drivers see through the fog.
Sometimes understanding our faith can be like squinting versus using fog lights.
This afternoon's verse in Romans says that God reveals Himself "from faith to faith." That means God doesn't need to allow us to see far into the future. He will enable us to see the edge of the road to assure us that we are moving in the right direction.
Most of us would prefer to see far down the path where God is leading us, instead of squinting to figure out what He has planned. We need to stop trying to see through the fog and remember that God provides the floodlights that lead us down the road to Him.
We can learn to trust God to lead and direct us, even when the path seems foggy. He will give us just the right amount of faith that we need.
God, sometimes it's difficult to see where you are leading me. Please give me more faith as I learn to trust in you. Draw me close to you when I can't see where I'm going and need your guidance more than ever. You have never failed me, and I know you never will. Let my faith encourage others to follow you. In Jesus' name, amen.
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