Feb 18 2025
Today's Top Quotes"Christ is the Son of God who died for the redemption of sinners and resurrected after three days. This is the greatest truth in the universe. I die because of my belief in Christ."
- Watchman Nee
"Jesus did not die on the cross just so we could live comfortable, well adjusted lives. His purpose is far deeper: He wants to make us like himself before he takes us to heaven. This is our greatest privilege, our immediate responsibility, and our ultimate destiny."
- Rick Warren
"Let us thank God heartily as often as we pray that we have His Spirit in us to teach us to pray. Thanksgiving will draw our hearts out to God and keep us engaged with Him; it will take our attention from ourselves and give the Spirit room in our hearts."
- Andrew Murray
"I seek the will of the Spirit of God through or in connection with the Word of God. The Spirit and the Word must be combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word, I lay myself open to great delusions also."
- George Muller
"Prayer is the spontaneous response of the believing heart to God. Those truly transformed by Jesus Christ find themselves lost in wonder and joy of communion with Him. Prayer is as natural for the Christian as breathing."
- John MacArthur
"With a twinkle in his eyes, my friend says that his favorite prayer is 'Lord, give me patience; give it to me right now.'"
- Billy Graham
Faith is having the patience to wait, knowing that all things will be done in God's time. I only wish I owned one of his watches.
- Kathy Buckley
"God loves us more than we will ever know and cares for us in ways we will never fully understand."
- William M. Silva
"Be a Blessing. Three simple words, but what a profound impact we experience when we act on them."
- Debble Macomber
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might."
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Dear Lord, I thank you that you are a mighty, mighty God. You aren't ruling the world in fear or questioning what's going to happen next ... you're in total control of everything. I ask that you help me be strong. Sometimes life can be difficult, and at those times I may feel like my faith in you is wavering. Help me to be strong in you, Lord. Help me to rest in who you are and in your faithfulness. In Jesus' name, amen.