Feb 22 2025

Today's Top Quotes

"A great many people want to bring their faith, their works, their good deeds to Him for salvation. Bring your sins, and He will bear them away into the wilderness of forgetfulness, and you will never see them again."

- Dwight L. Moody

"Men ought to seek with their whole hearts to be filled with the Spirit of God. Without being filled with the Spirit, it is utterly impossible that an individual Christian or a church can ever live or work as God desires."

- Andrew Murray

"There are basically only two kinds of religion in the world: those based on human achievement and those based on divine accomplishment. One says you can earn your way to heaven; the other says you must trust in Jesus Christ alone."

- John MacArthur

"God uses his Word, people, and circumstances to mold us. All three are indispensable for character development. God's word provides the truth we need to grow, God's people provide the support we need to grow, and circumstances provide the environment we need to grow."

- Rick Warren

"If you find a reluctancy to go into the presence of God, there may be unconfessed, unrepented sin in your life. Part of your quiet time is to get your heart clean and pure. Each of us needs to take ourselves by the nape of our necks and confess and repent before we come into God's holy presence to fellowship."

- Adrian Rogers

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"With a twinkle in his eyes, my friend says that his favorite prayer is 'Lord, give me patience; give it to me right now.'"

- Billy Graham

Faith is having the patience to wait, knowing that all things will be done in God's time. I only wish I owned one of his watches.

- Kathy Buckley

"God loves us more than we will ever know and cares for us in ways we will never fully understand."

- William M. Silva

"Be a Blessing. Three simple words, but what a profound impact we experience when we act on them."

- Debble Macomber

Evening Scripture

Today's Bible Verse
Romans 10:9 (KJV)

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

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Evening Prayer

Today's Evening Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank you that I don't have to do anything to earn my salvation. I have only to confess your name and I am saved. God, I confess that I am nothing without Jesus. I confess that you are my only hope. I thank you that you have saved me from a life of sin and death. Help me live out the new life that you have given me. Help me rejoice in your name always, knowing that my soul is anchored to you forever. In Jesus' name, amen.

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