Mar 11 2025

Afternoon Bible Verse
Romans 5:6 (KJV)

For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

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Afternoon Bible study

The actions of a newborn baby are relatively repetitive—eat, sleep, dirty a diaper; eat, sleep, dirty a diaper over and over and over. Infants follow the same pattern, day after day, while their bodies and brains are developing. Eventually, after solely relying on an adult for everything, they can roll over and sit up.

It takes time for a baby to grow. If they are encouraged to sit up before their neck is strong, they will be unsuccessful. But at the right time, their bodies have matured enough to hold up their head.

At one point, we were powerless, without strength, and incapable of repairing our broken relationships with God. But in due time, God sent Jesus to save us in our ungodly state.

What we could not do on our own, God accomplished for us because He truly loves us. No matter what we've done, His love still remains. It can be difficult to grasp the idea of unconditional love because we do not extend or receive it from others in our human experience. And this love was given to us while we were still sinners. Before we said we were sorry, God loved us.

We can be grateful that God made a way to reach us when we were hopelessly lost in our sin. Because of this great gift we have received, we should willingly and joyfully share it with others.

Afternoon Prayer

Jesus, how can I ever thank you enough for saving me when I didn't deserve it? I was lost in my sin and living in hopelessness. But you still came and died for me. I am so grateful that you provided a way for me to have a relationship with the Father. Help me to be thankful every day. In your name, amen.

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If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.

-C.S. Lewis

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.

-Elbert Hubbard

The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.

-C.S. Lewis

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.

-Dorothy Parker

Yesterday Afternoon

Mar 10 2025

Yesterday Afternoon's Bible Verse
Psalm 1:1 (KJV)

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. :

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Yesterday Afternoon's Bible study

As followers of Jesus, we are called to live separately from the rest of the world. Throughout time, people have had vastly different ideas of what the concept of living separately means. Some interpret it to mean that women should refrain from wearing makeup and jewelry. Others choose not to use electricity, cars, or other modern-day conveniences in an effort to keep themselves separate from the culture around them.

This afternoon's verse provides an applicable way to live differently from the world without having to live in seclusion. This scripture begins by helping us evaluate the people we are spending time with and the influence they have on their lives.

If we desire to walk with humility and dependence on God, then we are setting ourselves apart from temptation and sin, as well as from people who choose not to follow God's commands.

We need to realize the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who challenge us to make wise choices. But often, one of our biggest challenges is finding other like-minded Christians to spend time with. We can pray and ask God to lead us to people who will encourage us in our relationship with Him.

If there are friendships that pull our hearts away from God, we should be willing to act boldly and ask for His help. More than anything, we should choose the blessed life that God offers to us.

Yesterday Afternoon's Prayer

Jesus, sometimes I'm not careful about how I interact with others. Make me aware of the company I keep. Remind me to spend time with those who encourage me in my relationship with you. If some friendships or acquaintances bring out my weaknesses, give me the strength to choose you, Jesus, over others. In your name, amen.
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