Mar 19 2022
Today's Bible VerseYet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
Add to FavoritesIn today's verse, Peter tells us that we should not be ashamed of the suffering that we face as Christians. Instead, we should glorify God in the midst of suffering. We do not have to hide our pain as long as we give it to God and allow Him to work through us.
Being vulnerable can be difficult. It's hard to admit that we face many challenges, especially when people around us seem to have it all together. However, the rarity of authentic vulnerability makes it more impactful. When we are undergoing trials as Christians, we should be willing to share our struggles with others. We shouldn't be ashamed of our suffering, but instead, be willing to talk about it.
When we open up about our lives, it allows people to pray specific prayers. We should invite people into our story so that they can join us in petitioning the Lord to move in our circumstances. This means when He moves, they will get to share in the miracle—they will get to see God moving personally and powerfully in our lives. If we do not open up to them, they do not have this opportunity.
It can be hard to see how the Lord can glorify Himself through our suffering. But it's important to note that we don't suffer so that God can be glorified—He will be glorified whether or not we suffer. Instead, we can handle whatever suffering comes into our lives in a way that honors the Lord.
When we refuse to give up hope, continue earnestly in prayer, or try to see the Lord even when it's difficult, we are giving ourselves to Him to be glorified. We're opening ourselves up to His mercy and kindness, and we're responding so that He will receive the glory through everything. When the trial is over, while we might remember it as painful, we will also recall it as a way that God was brought glory.
Dear Lord, to be honest, I wish we didn't have to suffer. However, knowing that I do, I ask that you would help me to bring you honor through my suffering. I want to endure well and help people see you because of it. In Jesus's name, amen.
If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.
-C.S. Lewis
God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.
-Elbert Hubbard
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
-C.S. Lewis
"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.
-Dorothy Parker
Mar 18 2022
Yesterday's Bible VerseLikewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. :
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In this verse, we have a vivid reminder that we are dead to sin. In other words, we are no longer slaves to our old ways and passions, but instead, are free and able to reject sin and live as Christ has instructed us. Today, we'll think about what it means to be dead to sin—and alive in Christ.
Because Jesus has given us a new life and new desires, we are no longer alive to sin. He paid the cost for our sin on the cross, and we can stand before God without a blemish because of what He did for us. We no longer have to give an account of our sins because God has already forgiven us.
We must, Paul writes, reckon ourselves dead to sin. This means we have to intellectually understand and put on the truth that we are dead to sin. We have power over sin because we are dead to it, so when we are tempted to sin, we have the ability to deny it. We don't have to fall into its grip any longer because Jesus has set us free. Paul wants us to both intellectually understand that we are free from sin and take on the power that comes from it.
We are not simply dead to sin and then left with a vacant part of our bodies. Much to the contrary, we become dead to sin when we become alive in Christ. Where sin once had dominion, Jesus now reigns. While we once had no power to control our gossiping tongues, laziness, pride, lust, and greed, we now have Jesus, who has given us a new heart and new desires.
It is possible to become more and more alive in Christ each passing day. When we first become Christians, we are alive in Him from Day 1. However, we mature by becoming more and more alive in Him—and deader and deader to sin. As we learn more about who Jesus is through actions such as prayer, Bible study, worship, and attending church, we will become stronger in Christ. We will love Him more and want to please Him even more. At the same time, we will be more and more repulsed by sin. We will discover the life that is in Jesus, and the death that is in sin.
Dear Lord, thank you for making me alive in Christ and saving me from being dead in sin. I used to live as a slave to whatever passion came my way, but now I serve the Lord, whose love for me is my greatest passion. Help me to become more and more alive in Christ. In Jesus's name, amen.
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