Morning Devotion

Mar 28 2022

Today's Bible Verse
Romans 8:31 (KJV)

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

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Today's Bible study

In this verse, Paul writes the triumphant declaration that because God is for us, no one can be against us. This verse is a great comfort, especially when it seems as though everything is against us. Today, we'll talk about what Paul means and how his words affect the way we live our lives today.

Paul is responding to "these things," meaning the truths that he had written previously in Romans 8. These truths include that we are saved through faith alone and will ultimately be glorified in Christ, which affirms that in everything, God is "for us." Everything God does is for His people and to help them walk in a closer relationship with Him. The Lord does not allow anything in our lives for the sake of harming us. Instead, He is always working for our good.

This means we can always trust in the Lord. Even when it seems as though He is not near us, we know and can have confidence that He is moving behind the scenes. This gives us confidence in the Lord that nothing on Earth can take away. Even if we don't understand how God is working, we know that His love will never be compromised. We can always trust Him.

We will always be protected in God's love. This is a comforting thought because it means that no one and nothing can ever come between our relationship with the Lord. He will sustain us. He will encourage us when we most need encouragement, and He will help us remain in the faith when we wonder if we can continue to keep going. We do not have to fear losing our salvation. In every circumstance, we are protected by the love of God.

The Lord is sovereign and He is good. This means He has power over everything and everyone. He will fight for us, and we do not have to worry about threats when we know that God is with us always.

Today's Prayer

Dear Lord, I am so grateful that you are always with me. I thank you that I have no reason to fear anything. I thank you for your goodness and for your help. In Jesus's name, amen.

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If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.

-C.S. Lewis

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.

-Elbert Hubbard

The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.

-C.S. Lewis

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.

-Dorothy Parker

Yesterday's Devotional

Mar 27 2022

Yesterday's Bible Verse
Psalm 34:4 (KJV)

I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. :

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Yesterday's Bible study

In this verse from Psalm 34, King David reminds us that the Lord hears everything we tell Him. Sometimes in our walk with the Lord, it can feel like He doesn't hear us or isn't listening or doesn't care. This verse speaks to each of these things. It shows us that He hears, He listens to, and He cares about everything that we tell Him.

In the Old Testament, people could not talk to God personally. Only the High Priest could go into the presence of God, and even then, he only could do so once a year. We live in the New Testament era, and the way we approach God is very different because of Jesus. Jesus's life and death made it possible for us to talk to God because Jesus made it possible. Today, we can talk to the Lord in any circumstance and in any place.

We should take advantage of the ability we have to speak to God at all times. King David uses the word sought to describe how he spoke to God—he was putting a tremendous amount of effort into speaking to the Lord. He was earnestly petitioning him. Our prayers should be characterized by the same earnestness. While it is easier for us to approach God now, we should approach Him with the same reverence and eagerness with which King David did because we need the Lord just as much as he did.

The Psalm records the result of David's seeking. The Lord heard him and delivered him, and we can say the same for each of our prayers. We know that the Lord hears us, and we know that He will deliver us. However, His deliverance will not always come in the way that we expect. David knew what it was like to petition the Lord for something and not have the Lord answer in the way he wanted. We know that today, too. Yet just because the Lord does not deliver in the way we hope does not mean that the Lord has forgotten us.

As Christians, we have the promise that we are children of God and will one day dwell in His kingdom. This is ultimate deliverance and we can rest in it through every trial we face on Earth.

Yesterday's Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank you for the deliverance that you have promised each of us. Even though this life is very difficult, I take comfort knowing that you hear my prayers and that you are working for my good. Help me to remember your nearness and that you are always listening to my prayers. In Jesus's name, amen.

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