Apr 01 2022

Today's Bible Verse
Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV)

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

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Today's Bible study

In this verse, the Lord is speaking to Jeremiah, who is in prison. The Lord meets him there with a message of comfort, saying that he will see great and mighty things. He tells Jeremiah that Israel will be restored and the glory of the Lord known by all. Let's take a look at what this verse teaches us about God.

First, it teaches us that the Lord meets us where we are, both physically and emotionally. The Lord was with Jeremiah when he was in prison, and He ministered to him by speaking kindly. He gives Jeremiah something to look forward to—seeing great and mighty things—and encourages him to remain in the faith.

This verse also shows that the chief encouragement offered to us as Christians is hope in the Lord. In the verse prior to this one, the Lord reminds Jeremiah that He is the one who made the earth. This tells us that, above all things, the Lord is mighty and powerful. He is in control of everything. At the same time, He cares about us intimately, as we see in today's verse. The Lord tells Jeremiah that if he calls unto Him, the Lord will answer. If we put the two verses together, we realize that God is infinitely powerful, but also infinitely personal. He works His power for our good.

Have you ever felt like Jeremiah… discouraged, feeling like God won't intervene? If so, remember how the Lord comforted Jeremiah. He came to him, gently and kindly, and encouraged him. If Jeremiah called out to the Lord, the Lord said that He would answer. The same is true for us today. Call out to the Lord. Remember the deep love that He has for you. Rest in his sovereignty, knowing that His timing is perfect and He is faithful.

Today's Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for being a loving Father. Thank you for your faithfulness and for caring about us, your children, when we get discouraged. Thank you for the love that you show us again and again. Help us to remember who you are: mighty and powerful in all circumstances. In Jesus name, amen.

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If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.

-C.S. Lewis

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.

-Elbert Hubbard

The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.

-C.S. Lewis

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.

-Dorothy Parker

Yesterday's Devotional

Mar 31 2022

Yesterday's Bible Verse
Philippians 4:7 (KJV)

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. :

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Yesterday's Bible study

In this verse from Philippians, Paul gives us a powerful image of peace. It surpasses our understanding and keeps our hearts and minds on Jesus. Today, we'll talk about why God gives us peace and how it affects our lives.

God gives us peace because His character is good and we can rest in who He is. He is all-powerful and loving, and nothing can separate us from His love. There is nowhere we could go that would make us distant from His love, and we can trust that He is working for our good in everything. He is always in control and is always merciful and just. We don't have to understand everything in the world; we merely have to know that God is love.

When we have peace, our hearts and minds are thinking about Jesus. Knowing Jesus and meditating on who He is brings us peace! He gives us comfort when we are struggling and hope when we can't understand what's happening. Jesus brought ultimate peace because He settled once and for all the breach that sin put in our relationship with God. He made it possible for us to approach the Lord and talk to Him because He wiped us clean of sin. He has opened up the possibility of peace between us and God, and meditating on Him brings peace to our hearts.

Think about walking in peace in every circumstance of your life, especially the difficult ones. We do not have to understand why painful things happen to us. We don't have to have answers because knowing the love of God is sufficient to supply peace. If you feel your heart beginning to wander away from this peace, think about today's verse. Ask the Lord to help you see Him and walk in the peace that He alone can provide.

Yesterday's Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank you so much for peace. I am so grateful to always have it within my reach. You have supplied all of my needs in abundance, and your goodness is precious to me. Help me to have peace in every moment. I want to walk closer to you. In Jesus' name, amen.
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