May 01 2022
Today's Bible VerseNow our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.
Add to Favorites Share with FriendIn this verse Paul prays for the Thessalonians, remembering how the Lord loves them and the grace He has shown them. Paul asks the Lord to comfort them and establish them in every good word and work. Today, as Paul did, let's reflect on the love that the Lord has shown us.
Have you ever felt the Lord comfort your heart? When we're wounded by the things of this world, we can take refuge in Jesus. Indeed, no love can compare to the love of Jesus! Our deepest, sweetest relationships give us a glimpse into the Lord's love for us but ultimately pale in comparison. He will meet us right where we are and bring healing to our hearts by reminding us of His tender care for us. If you are struggling with something or feel hurt, remember to go to your Savior, who loves you deeply.
Because He loves us, the Lord will establish us in every good word and work. In other words, He will sanctify us so that we become more and more like Him—which can sometimes be a painful process. I don't always want to be reminded of all of the sins in my life, and repentance is an intentional—and difficult!—act of surrendering my will to the Lord. Yet, He knows that sin destroys our lives, and the pain of leaving sin behind is less than the pain of living in sin.
When we feel convicted about our wrongdoings, instead of becoming despondent we can reflect on the love of God, who loves us enough to help us live in holiness.
Jesus demonstrated His irrefutable love for us when He paid the price for our sin. He was the perfect sacrifice, and He gave Himself up for us. Because of what He did, our sin is gone. We are no longer sinners stuck in unholy patterns, but instead, are saints of a loving and mighty God. He comforts us, establishes our words and works, and loves us more than we will ever understand.
Dear Lord, I am so grateful for the love that you have shown me. Thank you for Jesus, who paid the price for all of my sins. Thank you, Lord, for helping me become more like you as I am sanctified each day. In Jesus' name, amen.
If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.
-C.S. Lewis
God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.
-Elbert Hubbard
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
-C.S. Lewis
"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.
-Dorothy Parker
Apr 30 2022
Yesterday's Bible VerseHe giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. :
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In this verse, the prophet Isaiah proclaims that the Lord has the ultimate power to strengthen everyone. He gives power to the faint and increases strength to those who have none. Let's think about what this verse means and how it encourages us today.
Notice that the Lord does not give power to those who are already strong. Instead, He works through those who are weak. We see this demonstrated many times throughout scripture. King David was the least of his brothers, but the Lord chose him to be king. Moses was timid and afraid to step into his calling. The apostle Thomas struggled with his faith. This is encouraging to us because it shows that we do not have to make ourselves worthy of the Lord. We do not have to make ourselves presentable or good enough to receive grace. Instead, God takes us as we are and makes us into His image.
This also means that if we need to be strengthened, we are free to ask for strength. There is nothing wrong with asking the Lord to give us the strength to face the day or honor Him in difficult circumstances. In fact, He delights in strengthening us so we can serve Him better.
When the Lord strengthens us or gives us power, we should remember that it came from the Lord. King David knew that he was king because God chose him and not because David himself was a superior person or had a superior position, which he did not. In the same way, we can remember that we are beneficiaries of God's grace. We should not become prideful because of the strength and many blessings that God has given us. We only have them because of Him.
Today, if you need strength, call upon the Lord to help you. He will answer your call. You can walk in His deliverance when you seek Him.
Dear Lord, thank you for giving power to the faint. I am faint, but I am so grateful that you give me strength time and time again. Thank you for my salvation and for loving me always. In Jesus' name, amen.
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