Nov 29 2024

Afternoon Bible Verse
Proverbs 30:5 (KJV)

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

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Afternoon Bible study

The Bible is unlike any other book that has ever been written. The words are powerful and have the ability to change a person's life.

The first step in receiving all that the Bible has to offer is believing that God's Word is true. When we meditate on it, act on it, and allow God to use it to change our lives, we will gain wisdom and knowledge.

The Bible has the answers to the challenges and struggles we face. It will encourage you as you read stories of God's faithfulness throughout time. The Bible is consistent all the way through. You won't find verses that contradict each other or are contrary to God's character.

Some people go through life feeling as though God never speaks to them. However, not only does God speak to our hearts and minds, He also uses His Word to reveal His truths to us. We are negligent when we allow our Bibles to go unread—and we're cheating ourselves out of something indescribably precious.

This Proverb also says that God is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. God's Word protects our hearts as we apply His truths to our lives.

Be encouraged to read God's Word today. Trust Him to show you how His revelation from long ago still has relevance today.

Afternoon Prayer

God, thank you for giving us your holy Word. I'm grateful for the opportunity to study it. Please reveal your truths to me as I seek you. Let your Words come alive in me and change me into your image. Give me the wisdom to share your truth with others. In Jesus' name, amen.

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If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.

-C.S. Lewis

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.

-Elbert Hubbard

The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.

-C.S. Lewis

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.

-Dorothy Parker

Yesterday Afternoon

Nov 28 2024

Yesterday Afternoon's Bible Verse
Psalm 139:14 (KJV)

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.:

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Yesterday Afternoon's Bible study

If given a choice, most of us have something we would change about ourselves. Our aptitude, wealth, or appearance would be a starting point for some.

There are things about ourselves that can be changed and other qualities that we have to learn to live with—all of which were made by God. The same God who created everything in the entire universe also knows how many hairs are on our heads.

Psalm 139 reminds us that we were designed by a Creator that took time with every detail that makes up who we are. Our bodies are composed of between 30 and 40 trillion cells—and those cells reproduce themselves every seven years. We have complex and marvelous bodies.

The Psalmist expressed gratitude for the wonder of creation even though he didn't have the medical knowledge that's available to us now. Many children, teens, and even adults struggle with the realization that nothing about them is an accident. We were created intentionally by God for His purposes.

God understands and is sympathetic to our insecurities. When we come to Him, He is willing to comfort us and remind us how much He loves us. In His wisdom and power, God chose to give us life, right now, at this point in history. It is a precious gift!

Yesterday Afternoon's Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me life. I know that you have created me to fulfill your purposes. You see every insecurity that I feel and how they affect me. Please help me remember that I am your creation, and nothing about me is an accident. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. In Jesus' name, amen.
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