Dec 03 2024

Afternoon Bible Verse
Ephesians 4:26 (KJV)

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.

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Afternoon Bible study

The Bible has much to say regarding our relationships with others. God created each of us, and He knows how we are wired. For some, anger can be a constant internal struggle, while others only deal with it occasionally.

When our anger has the potential to get the best of us, the Bible offers wisdom that can save us the heartache of hurting people we love—and ourselves.

In the Epistle to the Ephesians, Paul advises us that when we are angry, we should deal with those feelings as soon as possible. We can remove the opportunity for bitterness to take root in our hearts by simply asking God to help us.

When we are in the midst of frustration, we can choose to control our feelings, rather than allowing them to control us. But we are incapable of doing it on our own.

Without God's help, it is impossible to move past our frustrations and live the life of peace He offers to us. We can take our anger to God in prayer, telling Him the who, what, where, when, and how of what has occurred. In an instant, God's peace can flood our hearts, driving out the rage that is stirring inside us. This calming of our spirit allows us to confront those who have frustrated us with an attitude of forgiveness and a willingness to move forward in our relationship.

If not managed, anger has the potential to harden the heart of even the kindest person. No one is exempt from needing God to intervene on their behalf. We can ask God to examine us for any anger that has taken up residence in our hearts. He can help us process and work through even the toughest situations.

Afternoon Prayer

God, only you know my innermost thoughts and feelings. You see when I am frustrated, and you know how I should handle every situation. Give me wisdom, so I don't react when I'm angry. And give me peace, even when my mind and heart are filled with rage. Thank you for the opportunity to turn to you, knowing that your love is always waiting for me. Help me to rely on you, instead of my wisdom. I don't want to sin against you when I am upset. Thank you for helping me to be mindful of my witness to others in how I react. In Jesus' name, amen.

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If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.

-C.S. Lewis

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.

-Elbert Hubbard

The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.

-C.S. Lewis

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.

-Dorothy Parker

Yesterday Afternoon

Dec 02 2024

Yesterday Afternoon's Bible Verse
John 13:35 (KJV)

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. :

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Yesterday Afternoon's Bible study

While Jesus was on Earth, He exemplified love in every action. He demonstrated love to everyone, no matter how the rest of the world viewed them. When He returned to Heaven, His disciples became the only physical representation of His love on Earth—and today, we are His disciples.

This can be an overwhelming thought. How can we love like Jesus when it is difficult or when we don't want to? Without God's help, we can't.

The truth is that some people are hard to love. Some resist when people show kindness or act thoughtfully toward them. Some might even push others away because they have never experienced that type of genuine love. We can't make others accept love if they don't want to receive it. This has been the conflict from the beginning of time.

God has always loved us. He has wanted a relationship with us, even when we rejected Him. But His love keeps reaching out to us. The Bible says that His love pursues us. God's mercy and grace follow us all the days of our lives, whether we choose to receive it or not. (Psalm 23:6) God displays an amazing and unfathomable love for His people.

When we love others the way God loves us, we are reflecting His heart to a world that is desperate to be loved and accepted. Even though our love might be rejected, we should continue to love others the way God loves us. And as God loves others through how we live, the world will know that we are His disciples.

Yesterday Afternoon's Prayer

God, make me aware of those around me who need to experience your love. I have never done anything to deserve your love. So, I am eternally grateful for your kindness to me when I didn't deserve it. There are people in my life who can be difficult to love. Help me see past their hard exterior and see the person you see—your child. Fill me with your love so it pours out of my life and into the lives of everyone around me. I am so thankful for your love. Help me to never take it for granted. In Jesus' name, amen.
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