Dec 17 2024
Afternoon Bible VerseWhoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.
No one likes to be told what to do. This attitude typically begins when we are toddlers and carries into our teenage and adult years. Our human instinct is to do our own thing, even if it isn't the right thing to do.
In this afternoon's verse in Proverbs, King Solomon offers wisdom that can spare us the heartache of doing what we want instead of listening to God. He is saying that if we love instruction (learning the right things to do), then we can also love wisdom (growing more disciplined in God's ways). But if we hate being criticized, we are foolish.
Not unlike a toddler who throws a temper tantrum when being told no, we are throwing our own tantrum when we refuse God's correction in our life. We can plug our ears and stomp our feet, or we can submit to God and learn from Him. Poor behavior shows that growth needs to take place in our relationship with God. When we stubbornly hold onto what we think is right, it keeps us from becoming more like Jesus.
But how wonderful it feels when we know we have pleased God! Although it's not necessarily a great feeling when we are disciplined, we must realize that God disciplines those whom He loves.
The longer we serve God, the more we should submit to His authority in our lives. When He instructs us, we should have a desire to listen and obey. The internal struggle of doing our own thing or following God can only be won when we submit to His power in our lives.
Dear Lord, I invite your discipline into my life. It may not always be pleasant, but I know it's necessary to grow closer to you. Teach me how to live for you. Show me your ways and lead me down your path of righteousness. I surrender my thoughts and actions to you. Surround me with those who encourage me to listen for your voice. Thank you for loving me enough to correct me when it is needed. I willingly give my thoughts to you. Let my witness speak to others and encourage them to follow you. In Jesus' name, amen.
If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.
-C.S. Lewis
God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.
-Elbert Hubbard
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
-C.S. Lewis
"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.
-Dorothy Parker
Dec 16 2024
Yesterday Afternoon's Bible VerseFor God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. :
We can find everything we will ever need through our relationship with God.
When we release control of our lives to God, we can live in His will. As humans, our tendency is to imagine a worst-case scenario for even the smallest of situations. What happens if we forget to pack our kids' lunches? They could starve to death! What if a co-worker misunderstands something we said at work? We could get fired and end up homeless!
The reality of those crises happening as a result of one single incident are slim to none, but in our minds, we can justify the possibility. God doesn't want us to live in constant fear of the what-ifs. He offers us the opportunity to hand our lives over to Him and allow Him to take care of anything that comes our way.
When people know we are proclaimed followers of Jesus, they often watch us to see how we handle everyday life. If we are insecure and constantly worried, then why would they want to follow our example?
In comparison, a life filled with God's peace and power invites people to discover a different way of living as they turn their lives over to Jesus. When we choose to live for God, we actually receive a new life. We exchange our former way of living for a clean slate.
God's spirit and His power replace our old minds and way of thinking. No longer do our thoughts control us; they are now under the authority of God. With God in control, we can have total faith that He will take care of every area of our lives.
God, I want to live in your will. When I'm in control, I quickly mess things up—but you always know the right thing to do. Today, I choose to remember that you hold my life in your loving hands. Help me experience your love like never before. Remind me that your ways are better than mine. No matter how tempting it is to go my own way, give me the strength to choose your ways. I am so thankful that I can put all of my faith and trust in you. In Jesus' name, amen.
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