Dec 21 2024

Afternoon Bible Verse
Ecclesiastes 3:11 (KJV)

He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

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Afternoon Bible study

Beauty is all around us. We can see it in God's creation and throughout moments in our lives. Just like in nature, seasons in our lives come and go. Nothing ever lasts.

Seasons of joy are often followed by mourning and loss. But after living through seasons of pain, we may feel like dancing. We will experience highs and lows, but in every season, God is always there. We can have peace when we go through tough times because they are only temporary.

It takes time for everything to become beautiful. A small seed can grow into an amazing, colorful flower. Then, it dies. But another bud grows and blooms, and beauty is created again. It's how God created everything to function. It's His design and plan for nature.

In our lives, we can see that same pattern over and over. We can choose to look forward to the beauty that is coming in the days ahead, or we can allow ourselves to become distracted by the hardships we currently see all around us. Our perspective should be influenced by what we know about who God is and what He does. He works all things together for our good. He is faithful and just. His motives are pure and holy.

God has mercy and love for us. When we wonder how we will make it through a particular season, we can depend on the character of God that is described in the Bible. We know that we can trust God in every season of life.

Afternoon Prayer

Father, I am grateful for every season in life. You have made all things beautiful in your time. In the seasons when I am struggling, I know it won't last forever—it's only temporary. When everything is going well, I can enjoy the blessings in my life. Help me to celebrate every season because I know you are teaching me to trust you more. When doubt enters my mind, please cause faith to rise within me. I choose to place my eyes on you in every season. Give me an eternal perspective to see things like you do. In Jesus' name, amen.

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If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.

-C.S. Lewis

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.

-Elbert Hubbard

The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.

-C.S. Lewis

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.

-Dorothy Parker

Yesterday Afternoon

Dec 20 2024

Yesterday Afternoon's Bible Verse
Colossians 3:23-24 (KJV)

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. :

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Yesterday Afternoon's Bible study

Research has shown that only a small percentage of people ever finish what they start.

We have a culture of people who always feel like something is unfinished in their lives. In this afternoon's Colossians verse, Paul reminds the Church that everything we do should be done for the Lord. If our motive is to please God, then it should change the way we do things. Our intent shifts from trying to accomplish things for ourselves to knowing that what we do reflects our love for the Lord.

Because God always finishes what He begins, we should do the same. It's much easier to accomplish our goals in life if we are trusting in God's strength and not our own.

Our world is based on a rewards system from the time we are young. If we make good grades, and perform well in school, we get an award. If we win at sports, we get trophies. But as we get older, the rewards are different, and sometimes the payoff isn't as exciting.

We do an excellent job at work—no one notices. We provide for our family —no one seems to be grateful. It can be disappointing and unfulfilling.

Some people are only motivated when they can earn a pat on the back or face punishment if they don't finish things. But when we have God's approval, what everyone else thinks doesn't matter. We are living our lives for an audience of one—the God of the universe.

Yesterday Afternoon's Prayer

Dear God, I want to please you above anyone else in the world. I know that you know my heart and see my motives. Sometimes it is difficult to keep going when it feels like no one notices what I do. Help me live my life for you alone. You are the only one who has ever mattered, whether I have acknowledged you or not. Help me honor you with everything I say and do. When I want to give up, remind me that I can do all things through your strength. Even though I might face challenges, I know I can lean into you to find what I need. In Jesus' name, amen.

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